
Anyone still using WinNUT client with Synology NUT server?

I just recently realized that WinNUT is no longer able to connect to the Synology Host server and cannot figure out why.

Help configuring Synology NAS as NUT Client

I have a Synology NAS and a Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant Yellow, with the NUT add-on. My Raspberry Pi is configured as the master.

How to setup WinNUT Client on Win 10 with synology · Issue #47

On your Diskstation web page, go to Control Panel, Hardware & Power, then click on the UPS tab. Make sure Enable UPS server is checked, then click the ...

Synology as a NUT client

You can get synology upsmon running as a client connected to my sever by modifying the files under /etc/ups/ in my install.

Synology NAS as a NUT

Trying to set my Synology NAS as a NUT client. I configured a Nut server and it's working perfectly, i have tested it through upsmon -c fsd ...

Tutorial - Windows NUT client (incl GUI)

​ This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server.

Using WinNUT with UPS to shut down both NAS and PC when ...

Want to shut down both your Synology NAS and your Windows PC when your UPS sees a power failure? Well, here's a way to do it.

Windows 10 UPS NUT Client to Hibernate that actually works?

I just want to have my windows 10 (x64) computer hibernate after about 10 minutes by receiving a command from my synology DS418j which is connected to my APC ...

在其他裝置上連接Synology NAS 的UPS 伺服器

Synology 有個設定可以當作UPS 伺服器,可以把關機訊號傳遞給在網路上的其他裝置,但是在設定UPS 時,無論是在Windows ... 我在Windows 上用的是WinNUT-Client.

碩天UPS透過Synology NAS UPS Server以NTU實現電腦自動關機

碩天UPS透過Synology NAS UPS Server以NTU實現電腦自動關機 到Setting裡面去進行各項設定: 1. Connection的部分,NUT host輸入NAS的IP、NUT Port預 ...


IjustrecentlyrealizedthatWinNUTisnolongerabletoconnecttotheSynologyHostserverandcannotfigureoutwhy.,IhaveaSynologyNASandaRaspberryPirunningHomeAssistantYellow,withtheNUTadd-on.MyRaspberryPiisconfiguredasthemaster.,OnyourDiskstationwebpage,gotoControlPanel,Hardware&Power,thenclickontheUPStab.MakesureEnableUPSserverischecked,thenclickthe ...,Youcangetsynologyupsmonrunningasaclientconnectedto...